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About Us
Our mission and vision
GRN is a non-profit organization approved by the Japanese government.
The purpose of the organization is to provide society with opportunities to experience Reiki as a lifelong learning, along with correct information about Reiki, and to contribute to realization of a healthy, happy and harmonious society.
As part of the activities, we provide learning opportunities of Reiki for general public and
advanced workshops for Gendai Reiki practitioners.
Our Story
We have set the five phases with objectives to achieve our mission one step at a time. After several turnovers of the board members in the past few years, our management team has stabilized with the current members since 2019. We started over with Phase One, and we are now in Phase Two.
This year, based on the theme that "Reiki is fun," we would like to continue enhancing the online events we established last year and will begin working on Phases Three and Four.
How Do We Want to Evolve?
Together with each one of our members and Gendai Reiki practitioners in the world, we would like to walk the path to make the world a better place and reach Anshin Ritsumei. We have set the phases with goals, so we can make a steady progress.
Phase One
Maintaining the organization
Go back to the original idea when the GRN was established, keep our feet on the ground abiding by the regulations set forth by the Japanese government and have a better financial plan. Spread Gendai Reiki and the objectives of the GRN, to expand our community.
Phase Two
GRN for the members
Continue providing online programs helpful for the members across the world to encourage deepen understanding about Reiki and its practice. Actively collaborate with Hiroshi Doi Sensei to deliver his teachings and messages. Solidify connections with Gendai Reiki groups around the world.
Phase Three
GRN for all Gendai Reiki practitioners
Build a respectful and cooperative relationship with the various Gendai Reiki groups in the world. Keep sending messages from Hiroshi Doi Sensei and teachings in the Emperor Meiji's poems to raise awareness altogether.
Phase Four
GRN for Reiki Oneness
Understand the true purpose of Reiki practice and value the connection with each other. Establish mutual recognition and respect all Reiki lineage.
Phase Five
GRN for Society
Contribute to creating a better society through our collective efforts with Reiki practitioners.
It will also help increase social recognition and trust in Reiki.